
Why Central Mississippi Monuments?

We are the monument company that our competition tries to emulate. We have served thousands of satisfied families since 2005. Here at Central Mississippi Monuments, we have a huge selection and we are extremely knowledgeable about our products and all cemeteries in our working area (which is most of Mississippi). Additionally, we are also members of the Southern Monument Builders Association.

Common Questions

Do I need to make an appointment?

No, we can meet you during our normal hours, after hours, and even on a weekend. It’s always best to call ahead, but it is not necessary.

Is there a fee to install a monument?

No, we cover most of Mississippi and some of Alabama for no extra charge.

Our family member was cremated. Do we still need to get a monument?

Absolutely. Monuments are used to commemorate their loved one’s life. The choice of using cremation or a traditional burial really has nothing to do with the monument.

Do we need to wait 6 months to a year before installing a monument?

No, this is an old wive’s tale. The monument is placed behind the grave on solid ground using a concrete foundation by our professional installation crew. The monument is not on the grave at all.

How long does it take to get a monument?

Most of our orders take 8-10 weeks for all domestic granite orders. Some of our foreign granites are in the same time frame, however, some foreign granite orders can take up to 6 months.